Early national team Mäkinen started already 15 years old. June 1991 against the Soviet Union played the game. She achieved the first Finnish 100 international9 March 2006 Algarve Cup match played against Germany. He announced the end of her career in the national teams at the end of 2007 the family reasons. Anne had played 108 test match and made the 15 goals. In May 2008 Mäkinen returned to national team training match in Iceland against.

* Smth Laajasalo, Helsinki (kasvattajaseura)
* FC Kontu, Helsinki, Finland
* Helsinki Helsinki Football Club, Helsinki, Finland
* Ore Palloseura, Helsinki, Finland
* University of Notre Dame, USA
* Washington Freedom, United States
* Philadelphia Charge, United States
* New Jersey Wild Cats, United States
* Umea IK, Sweden
* Balingen IF, Sweden
* AIK, Sweden

* 109 test match (4 May 2008.)
* 15 international match goals (3 May 2008.)
* European Championship semifinal in 2005
* Swedish championship in 2005 and 2006
* Finnish championship 1994 MPS
* Finland's HJK cup 1993
* The girl player in 1992
* Naispelaaja years 1993 and 2004
* The entrant to the United States yliopistosarjassa 1997
* The player of America's yliopistosarjassa 2000
* All-Stars, the U.S. player's yliopistosarjassa 1997-2000
* The Finnish Football for Erik von Frenckell Medal in recognition of
the important work of the Finnish football promotion